Friday, February 28, 2014

Another storm on the way.

Over the last few days we have seen yet another winter storm heading into our area. It look like this one will start off with sleet and freezing rain followed by a few inches of snow. I am so sick of this weather and I am ready for spring. I might try to get a few picks of the mess in the coming days. Good luck to everyone out there that is effected by this storm.


Unknown said...

just one post a month?

Ramblin73 said...

I sent a response the other night when I was in Tenn. for training but I don't think it went through. Internet very spotty in hotel. We have been going through a lot of ups and downs here. We lost Kristis mom July 2012 and When I got home yesterday we found out that Kristis uncle passed yesterday morning. Hope you get this.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that. Pretty much the same kinda luck here. I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2012, lost my cousin last year, and dad keeps up his fight with cancer. 890-7971 anytime you wanna talk or text. message rates may apply, please check with your carrier for specific rates.